dpAni Reference by Carl Chimes 1994 WHAT IS DPANI ============= dpAni is a TSR which provides a *crude* animation facility within the IBM pc version of "Deluxe Paint II Enhanced v2.3" (DP). DOES DPANI WORK =============== Since dpAni relies on certain DP functions and data being at absolute offsets within the DP program it is unlikely to work on all versions of Deluxe Paint. It may not even work on all copies of DP if modifications were made to the DP code during it's production. But it certainly works for my copy. If you have v2.3 of Deluxe Paint II Enhanced you may be in luck. HOW TO USE DPANI ================ First (before running DP.EXE) run DPANI.COM. It outputs a simple usage message: dpAni by Carl Chimes 1994 : successfully installed Keys in DeluxePaint IIE: [F12] to activate (only works once per DP session) [F11] pause/unpause animation [GREYENTER] [ALT+KPNUMBER] set first frame nr (starting from 1) [LEFTALT+GREYENTER] [ALT+KPNUMBER] set nr of frames [LEFTALT+GREYUP] increase speed [LEFTALT+GREYDOWN] decrease speed [LEFTALT+GREYLEFT] single step backwards [LEFTALT+GREYRIGHT] single step forwards [LEFTALT+W] [ALT+KPNUMBER] set frame width (default 16) [LEFTALT+H] [ALT+KPNUMBER] set frame height (default 16) [LEFTALT+M] toggle multiblock (tessellation) mode [LEFTALT+1] set Cycle animation type (default) [LEFTALT+2] set Ramp animation type Use "dpani" (from DOS) to install Use "dpani /U" (from DOS) to uninstall Use "dpani /?" (from DOS) for this help message Then you run DP. dpAni regards the screen as being a grid of pixmaps (bitmaps) each of which have the same width and height. The upper left pixmap has number 1, the one to it's right number 2, etc. The number of the leftmost pixmap on the i'th row is the number of the rightmost pixmap on the i-1'th row plus one. As you'd expect the number of pixmaps per row depends on the screen width and the pixmap width. The animated pixmap is located in the lower left of the screen. The time between frames is actually a function of the frequency at which DP attempts to read a key from the BIOS (which is quite frequently and almost regularly), ie it is not attached to the ticker interrupt. Extra key commands are available while dpAni is running: [F12] Activates the dpAni TSR. You must press F12 (while DP is running) before any other dpAni keys will work. If dpAni recognised DP it puts a blob at the upper left corner of the status bar to let you know. Even if a blob appears it doesn't mean that dpAni will necessarily work - you must try the other commands to know for sure. [F11] Pauses/unpauses the animation. You must press this for the animation to begin (after setting the first pixmap and length of the animation sequence). [GREYENTER] [ALT+KPNUMBER] [GREYENTER] refers to the ENTER key on the keypad. [ALT+KPNUMBER] means you hold ALT while typing in digits on the keypad, then release ALT. This command sets the pixmap number (numbered as above) of the first pixmap in your animation sequence. [LEFTALT+GREYENTER] [ALT+KPNUMBER] [LEFTALT+GREYENTER] means you hold down the leftmost ALT key then press the keypad ENTER then release the ALT key. This command sets the quantity of pixmaps in your animation sequence. That should be enough to get you started. Experiment with the other commands listed above. CAVEATS ======= Sometimes dpAni will miss your keystrokes. If something didn't work retype the command. Pixmaps are numbered from 1 instead of 0 because the BIOS does not report ALT+0. The maximum pixmap number possible is 255 regardless of how many can fit on the screen. The width of your pixmaps must be byte aligned. In 256 color modes that means they can be any pixel width, in 16 color modes you're restricted to widths that are multiples of 8. I've had memory problems while shelling to 4dos from qedit, running dpAni and running DP. Due to the inexperience of the author at writing TSRs it is not impossible that dpAni abuses DOS' memory allocation. FUTURE IMPROVMENTS ================== I haven't any planned. Feel free to mutilate the source code to improve dpAni however you please. Some other subroutines and data locations in DP that may or may not have been identified correctly are listed in "addr.dp". See "dpani.asm" for how to use these (by example). If anyone manages to work out how to tap into DP's GUI and can make a less user hostile front end for dpAni I would love to know about it! DISCLAIMER ========== dpAni is provided "as is" without warranty, either express or implied. In particular any damage or loss suffered as a consequence of using this software is entirely at the user's expense. Oh yes, anyone trying to profit from information about DP provided in dpAni may encounter legal problems with Electronic Arts. Apparently reverse engineering software is generally naughty. However, since the little goblin who gave me this program assured me he disassembled DP for research purposes only, I guess I'm not liable. Beats me why he insisted I put my name on it. REQUEST ======= I would appreciate hearing from anyone with any other Deluxe Paint pc related utilities that they've made and wouldn't mind sharing. Carl Chimes, cs322552@dingo.cc.uq.oz.au